Our Mission – improving Lives

Taking the first step

I had worked for a 100+ year old company when the DotCom bubble burst in 2000. I was doing what my parents had taught me which was passed down from generation to generation. You grow up, go to school and get an education, then find a good job and invest for the future. I worked hard and played hard and made a good career. I thought I had everything I needed and the world was my oyster. The realization that I was expendable as an employee hit hard. I was reminded what seemed like every other week as my co-workers whom had become great personal friends were being let go around me.

They weren’t underperforming. They weren’t toxic or difficult to work with. They were simply a number that had to be reduced in order to keep the company alive and the investors whole. I knew then that someone else controlled my livelyhood and happiness and what I was taught was no longer a viable strategy.

It is this realization and stress I recall feeling for months that I made a decision to improve myself, invest in performing assets, and work toward securing my families future so that my daughter never has to experience the same emotions and stress.

If you are an employee you have or will undoubtedly experience the same thing; but there is something you can do about it. Regardless of where you are in life you can decide to take the first step or the next on your path to financial freedom. We are here to help.


Our Services

We’re proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive services to active and passive investors.

Private lending
Strategic Acquisition advice
Education and Mentoring
Underwriting analysis
Passive Investment opportunities